Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Maybe video conferencing wouldn't be such a bad idea after all

On a client call with the global communications arm of a major international luxury beauty brand.

Up to this point, I am only a *bing!* and perhaps some slightly wheezy breathing, the sound of a suburban Calgary doorbell ringing in their New York ears, the woo woo wooing of an overjoyed coonhound at the return of Kid from school.

If they could see me, however, they would see a woman who could turn into one of their major marketing coups. "If we can make THIS WOMAN look good, we can make you look good."

I could be the face of hope.

It's all I can do to keep from busting out with this, right in the middle of a breathless discussion of global platforms and information services.

They do not know how close they are to their golden opportunity.

I have never felt more powerful.

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